Monday, December 13, 2010

Prayer week: Day 1 - Praise and Thankgiving.

If you had a "friend" who only spoke to you when he/she needed a favor, how would u feel?

Most of us...when we pray we tend to only ask for things.
"Dear Lord, I need this.  Help me with that. Bless me...."

We know that God is the creator of all things, and that nothing is impossible for Him...
so we take full advantage.. no consideration.
I'm pretty sure God doesnt always want to hear "gimme, gimme, gimme..."
He knows your heart and ALL your needs.
So, wouldn't it be good to just take time and give him praises and thanks?

Tell God how amazing He is to you.
Tell him how much you love Him, and how great He is.
Give him thanks for all he has done for you.

"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
Hebrew 13:15

Praise and Thanksgiving- The act of expressing approval, admiration And gratitude, Especilly God. The offering of grateful homage in words, as an act of worship!

Make time for God...
Give him an offering of praise, and thank him for all the greatness he offers!

To  hear it in english click HERE!

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