Friday, November 26, 2010


Yes...Thank God it's Friday. 
We have had a blessed week, and we are going to continue being blessed throughout the weekend.
God is doing great things.

Are you ready?

All weekend, starting TONIGHT at 7pm, Hno. Walter Guzman will be preaching the word of God.
TOMORROW 6:30pm...Revolution|Rebirth concert. Be there!!
SUNDAY..the pastor said he had a surprise! Exciting.

We have been praying and fasting for this expect GOD to do something GRAND!

We leave u today with this amazing song. Think about God today, and all the amazing things he's done. Know that he has always been there in your time of need, and you can always run to him.

Remember to PRAY today!
Enjoy the flurries :)
God Bless You!


  1. It's going to be an AMAZING weekend, that's for SURE! Starting, TODAY! We have been building up to this weekend...praying, fasting, "vigilando", praying, and more praying, preparing for the BLESSING that God is ready to pour down on us. Expect to be AMAZED, to be TRANSFORMED, to be LIBERATED, to be JOYOUS! It is time to change and become a new person in Jesus Christ!

    I really enjoyed this song! "CORRAMOS HACIA JESUS"

  2. I love this song! im def learning it and singing it church! beautiful song!
