Monday, November 29, 2010

Revolution Recap

I was sitting here in front of the computer...just thinking of what to write about this weekend.  The truth is it was so wonderful and amazing; I have no words to explain it.  I'm speechless.  God moved in such a wonderful way.   Everyone who was willing, received a blessing.  The music was great.  London, Hamilton and Toronto all did AWESOME for the concert. Brother Guzman and his wife are truly blessed. Their messages were very thought provoking. 
God spoke to us through them. 

We are very sad to  see them leave.. but we promise they will be here again!


Just check out some facebook status's..

"Great concert, God bless church of London, Youth of London! God is good!"

"AMAZING NIGHT @ Revolution Rebirth!!! Thank you JESUS...You are MIGHTY! There is nothing impossible for You...Thank you! Youth...remember that this is not the end of the revolution...Jesus wants to do so much more in each one of us...So don't let last night be just an emotion...maintain yourselves in prayer, His Word, and WORSHIP Jesus! He gives us strength, courage, joy, peace, and power! JESUS!"

"what blessing the lord has given us plz keep going we are not through yet.... revolution rebirth bomb God is great"

"there is only one word that can tell you how this weekend was: AWESOME! what a blessing! THANK YOU GOD! All the musicos were TANKS!!!!!! LOL AN EVERYONE THAT WENT I'M SURE AGREES THAT IT WAS AMAZING!"

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."
 (John 4:23-24)


  1. Great concert! I was truly blessed! Gbu!

  2. Very nice! and i agree blessed concert!!

  3. I agree with all those statements.
    I was really blessed.
    The music was awesome, and you could def feel Gods presence.
