Thursday, December 29, 2011

So long 2011...

2012 is just around the corner.
Can you believe this year has gone already?  It's amazing.
God is so good!  He has blessed us beyond measure.
This year was a very good year.  
Most of the goals that we had, were accomplished.
We had about 6 YMU's, in Toronto, Burlington, Hamilton and London.  
Revolution was a blessing.  
We won the Bible quizzing competition in Montreal.  
We had prayer every week. Fasting once a month.. and Many more things. Praise JESUS!  

It's bittersweet to see the year leave.. so many good memories.. yet so many amazing ones to come.
As we come to the end of this year.. I would like to share this Video of our Youth. Reminisce.. lol.  

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