Monday, November 28, 2011

Revolution-ary Worship Recap!

Revolution was this weekend, and I must say, if you didn't go... you missed a huge blessing.
It was amazing.  God moved in a very special way. There were people who received the Holy Spirit for the first time, and people were renewed... AND 2 baptisms! Praise Jesus.  To God be the Glory!

Music...Yes, the music was good.. but the preaching was Especially good.  "Getting the annointing  to make a Revolution in our lives, in our work and in our spiritual walk" is what Bro Rios Jr preached about.  It'll be a on YouTube soon.

Congrats to Justine for winning the Ipad 2!
Thanks to Everyone who helped, and participated.  
May God pour many many many blessing on each one of you!  
We could not do it without any of you!!! 

Of course don't take our word for it.. Just read the Facebook status of some of the ppl who attended.... 

Click Here to see Revolution Pictures!  
 ("Like" our Fanpage for updates.. for next Revolution)

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