Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's Boast!

Yes let us boast about Jesus!!

We boast of temporal men and women who do what are considered great things, but do we boast of the One who saved us?

"I paint," cried Raphael.
"I build," was the boast of Michelangelo.
"I rule," cried Caesar.
"I write," Cried Homer.
"I conquer," creid Alexander.
"I seek and save," cried JESUS CHRIST.

He wrote a Book that cannot be burned,
banished or torn apart.
 It just keeps reappearing.
He conquered death, hell, and the grave!
He has no equal and cannot even be compared in the same breath with any man!
He is superior to all.
He is the great I AM,
The King of kings and the Lord of lords,
The Lord of Hosts,
The El Shaddai,
Jehovah Jireh;
He is the one True God!!
Yes let us boast of Him.


Joy Haney, Keepers of Gods Dream.

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