Friday, January 7, 2011

When God says NO!

(ATT: Tomorrow at 7:00pm.. is the first Youth service of the year... See you there!!!)

There are times when the one thing you want,
Is the one thing you never get...

All you want is an open door or an extra day or an answered prayer, for which you will be thankful.
And so you pray and wait.

No answer.

You pray and wait.

No answer

You pray and wait. 

May I ask a very important question?
What if God says no?
What if your request is delayed or even denied?
When God says NO to you, how will you respond?
If God says "I've given you my grace, and that is enough,"
Will you be content?

That's the word. 
A state of heart in which you would be at peace if God gave you nothing more than he already has.
Test yourself with this question:
What if God's only gift to you were His grace to save you?
Would you be content?

You see from Heaven's prospective,
Grace is enough.

-Max Lucado.

You have to keep in mind that if God doesn't give it to you..
Then it's not for you. 
Just like he won't give you a trial you can't handle..
He also won't give you a blessing you can't handle. 


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