Monday, June 20, 2011

Desire To Be Beautiful...

Who as Lucifer? 
Lucifer had a very special place of anointed ministry, and his primary function was being the covering cherub.  The cherubim, one of the angelic orders, seem to be particularly assigned the responsibility of guarding the glory of God.  (Psalms 80:1, Psalms 99:1, Isaiah 37:16)

In light of such honor that was bestowed upon him above all the other angels what could possibly have been the root of his rebellion?

 Ezekiel 28:17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness:....."

Vanity caused him to become so proud of his outward magnificence that it began to overshadow his relationship with his maker to the point of total rebellion. He was full of wisdom but his wisdom was corrupted by reason of his brilliance.....

..Honestly ask  yourself, "Why do we battle with uncut hair, dyed hair, make up, jewelry, and improper clothing?"  We value our appearance: therefore, we want to do all in our power to enhance it. Focusing on the desire to be beautiful and stand out will corrupt our wisdom and we will begin to value the paltry things of this world above our relationship with our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. If we begin to value our appearance above the law of God, spiritual anarchy will be born in our hearts...."

-Ruth Harvey, Power before the Throne.